Oct 28, 2022 | By admin

Storyboard creation is quite useful for people who prefer it in any type of creative work and some people do not prefer creating a storyboard.

If you are someone who likes to plan everything ahead and likes to have an outline of things then there are several benefits of storyboarding and you might have a lot of value in creating a simple or a digital storyboard for your novel creation.

You do not need any graphic card skills in order to create a writer’s storyboard, you simply need to map out future characters as a creative writer as that is going to help you at the point when you are actually writing the story.

So, let us find out how to study board your novel.



One of the most important things that you must do before you start creating the storyboard is to have everything in the perfect order so that you might never have to leave your storyboard in order to get supplies.

Depending on the type of writer you are and also based on your preference, there are a lot of things that you might need and that includes a lot of paper.

This paper can be in the form of index cards as well as sticky notes and you must also have a few loose sheets of paper. Once you have that you have the basic requirements in place.

Now, apart from that, you must also need a few other things such as a template that is printed on paper because that will make your work a lot easier.

You must also make sure that you have a few boards, and if it is not possible for you to have many you can have a single whiteboard where you can use dry-erase markers.

Of course, if you want to go the digital route then there are very good apps that will help you with this but you should only go for the digital way if you have any kind of tab because it will be difficult to do in a smartphone and it will be too cumbersome to do in a computer.


Having key moments in your novel is important and of course, any novel has many key moments. You must choose the 10 most important and pivotal key moments.

This will be like milestones for your storyboard so that it will be easier for you to look at the bigger picture. This will act like the names of important towns and cities on a map.

You must do this and after doing this there will be a lot of blank spaces between these moments and it will be your job to simply fill out the blank spaces between these moments.

This will help you create a more complete picture of your novel.


A good way to have a clear picture of the novel storyboard is to simply think in terms of 3 and this will allow you to not get overwhelmed with all the ideas.

 If you are writing chapter 1 then you must always think in terms of 3 and that will be the beginning of the chapter and the climatic area and also how the ending is going to be.

If you break up your thought process into 3 easy steps then there will always be room for imagination and there will be no room for confusion.

If you are a beginner and were starting out your literary journey then it is a good idea to have a storyboard because that will help keep things clear for you and will also allow you to express your imagination in a more controlled way.

Art is all about expression and having control over it is the most important thing and the storyboard will be like a template that will allow you to plan and plot everything which you can refer to when you are starting your first draft.

However, if you are someone who simply does not have the time to write their own novel but you are also someone who is very passionate and you have excellent ideas for your literature then we are here to help you.

We are Get Best Writers and we are the fastest-growing and most popular ghostwriter for hire agency in India and we have some of the finest ghostwriters in the literary world with exceptional experience in writing for nearly every kind of genre.

We would love to complete your manuscript for you and you do not even need to think about creating a storyboard.