Mar 27, 2023 | By admin

Writing is often seen as an intimidating and overwhelming process. From crafting a compelling story to connecting with readers, writing can feel like a daunting task for many of us. Whether you're an experienced author or a novice just starting out, chances are you have asked yourself the same it normal to think that I suck at writing? The answer might surprise you!

In this blog post, we'll explore why it's totally okay—and even healthy—to be critical of your work, the comfort in seeing progress in your craft and some strategies for dealing with those pesky doubts about your writing ability.

So don't beat yourself up any longer - keep reading to discover how to get back into enjoying the creative process and understand why it's only natural (and beneficial) to question if we truly know what we're doing when tackling our projects and how to get better at writing.


Writing can be a terrifying experience and it's easy to think of reasons your writing sucks. This brings up feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt with feelings of being a bad writer. Many writers feel the constant pressure to create brilliance with every word they write, leading to a sense of overwhelming dread and panic.

This fear of writing is extremely common among both novice and experienced writers alike. It can manifest in various forms like procrastination or simply avoiding writing altogether and feeling as if writing is so boring - whatever it looks like for you, there are ways to overcome this paralyzing fear and reclaim your love of words.


We’ve all been there- staring at a blank page, questioning whether our words are good enough to be seen by the world You might think this is why you suck at writing. Is it normal to think you suck at writing? The answer is yes! In an age where communication is so important, many of us become overly critical when it comes to our own skills.

Unfortunately, worrying about how well we can write becomes a barrier that stands in the way of creating content and communicating effectively. As we analyse why we worry about writing, we may find solace in the knowledge that great writers don’t become great overnight – they are made through practice and determination! Putting aside our worries and charging ahead with learning can help us to fuel our creativity and achieve excellence and is the first step to fixing bad writing.


Writing is translation of the mind and writing anxiety can be a significant obstacle for budding writers and seasoned professionals alike. You might think that “I’m bad at writing novels, essays, short stories etc “. Thankfully, various strategies can be employed to overcome this creative barrier and unleash the full potential of any wordsmith. One effective approach is to set manageable goals, breaking down the writing process into smaller tasks that feel less daunting, but still contribute constructively to the overall project.

Embracing imperfection is another powerful tool as it allows writers to dispel the weight of unrealistic expectations and simply focus on getting their ideas down on paper, with the understanding that revisions will follow later. Mindfulness exercises, such as meditation or deep breathing, can also play a pivotal role in calming pre-writing nerves and fostering a conducive atmosphere for productivity. By arming themselves with these and other techniques, writers can successfully combat writing anxiety and fully embrace their craft.


Discovering and understanding your own strengths and weaknesses in writing is crucial for personal and professional growth. It's great to suck at writing as being aware of your abilities and limitations enables you to refine your writing tone, ensuring your message is effectively conveyed to your audience.

For example, if you possess a talent for persuasive writing, you may be able to convincingly advocate for important causes, whereas someone with an aptitude for descriptive writing may excel at painting vivid images through words. On the other hand, identifying areas of weakness allows us to consciously address them, leading to an improvement in both style and substance. As we adopt a curious and reflective attitude towards our writing skills, we chart a path toward more engaging and dynamic communication.


Self-doubt is important and it is important to have questions like why is my writing getting worse. But developing a positive mindset is not only essential for overall well-being, but it also plays a pivotal role in achieving personal and professional success. By cultivating a positive mindset, you are better equipped to handle life's challenges, setbacks, and disappointments.

One of the fascinating aspects of adopting a positive mindset is that it has a ripple effect – it not only empowers you to grow and overcome obstacles but also influences those around you to do the same. There are various techniques to foster this mindset, such as practising gratitude, affirmations, and visualizations. Through continuous efforts, you'll find that a positive mindset becomes a way of life, opening a world of possibilities, and ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying existence. So, embark on this life-changing journey and watch the magic unfold as you uncover the power of positivity.


Discovering what makes you a unique writer is an enriching journey that can elevate your writing skills and bring a distinctive voice to your work. As you delve into your personal experiences, perspectives, and linguistic choices, you will uncover a mosaic of elements that contribute to your unique writing style. Creatively experimenting with various writing techniques and embracing diverse genres can further reveal facets of your individuality.

By analysing your inspirations and influences, you allow yourself to build a one-of-a-kind writing persona. Moreover, fostering an ongoing connection with readers and understanding their preferences can help you strike a fine balance between your unique voice and your audience's expectations. Ultimately, learning what makes you a unique writer not only enriches your craft but also instils a sense of identity and fulfilment in your creative pursuits.

Ultimately, it's important to remember that we all have unique filter systems and interpretations of the world. It is normal to feel like you suck at writing and you have poor sometimes but in those moments it is important to focus on your strengths and use them as a foundation for your future pieces.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help from editors, friends, or family when you need it to perfect your writing skills. You can also strive to put yourself in positive environments with people whose judgement you trust and who can encourage and motivate you.

Remember that practice makes perfect and blogging consistently will not only improve your skills but help boost your confidence with writing as well. As long as you don't give up on yourself, you will find more appreciation while writing if you can recognize the value of your true voice over anybody else's opinion of what a good writer should sound like.

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