Why Every Writer Must Have a Writing Buddy?

Dec 03, 2021 | By admin

Writing is a lonely hobby and writing can get tough at times when inspiration does not flow out. It can get especially tough when you are limited to your point of view and you have no critic or person to communicate your writing journey with. Writing is also like living because you can of course survive alone but it helps to have people to support you and specially friends. The concept of a writing buddy is not new if we try to trace back its roots we can go back to the time of oratory passing down of manuscripts and discussing them. Back then, there were no writing buddies but an orator buddy who was there to compliment or criticize your accent, diction and overall performance in saying out loud the manuscript. This has however changed in the modern world as writing buddies have become an integral part of every writer from the amateur ghostwriter just starting in this journey of writing to the professional scriptwriter who has fewer authors and poets. A writing buddy can be your friend who shares the same passion with you or can be a writer who has become friends with you and share the same passion with you. Writing buddies are like speedometers as they keep you in check and help you control the speed and safety of the work by maintaining a balance and by being a liaison for you the author to communicate with the outer world. Ideal writing buddies push one another to excellence and must have sharp tongues to criticize the work of their friend whenever they feel like it without any hesitation. In this blog, we will talk about why every author and every writer as well as a course writer and scriptwriter and all other kinds of Writers you can imagine need a writing buddy in their lives.   

Honestly -

The thing about writing buddies is that you can find them everywhere by that I mean is that there is no certain place to find a writing buddy but they can drop out of any place possible but to increase the chances of finding a writing buddy you can look for yours in writing conferences and other book clubs and author clubs and writer blocs. Writer buddies can also be competitors in the market as staunch enemies in their field but the fun part is that in the literary world no one is your enemy and writers of the same genre who often go out at each other for having different views become the best of writer buddies because they find they're equal in their competitor. And this is important because only when you feel that your writer buddy is your equal you can have the utmost honesty with them and that is the whole purpose of having a writer buddy so that they can be a failsafe to your work.   

Inspiration -

inspiration is something quintessential in the writing world and your writing buddy can be a source of great inspiration even more so if the right on the same topics as you and experts in the same field as you because no idea no great work of art comes out of a blank canvas and the others mind must be instigated and stimulated by outwardly stimulus and a friend even more so I writing friend can be a great inspiration for or the writer and vice versa. In the world of writing one important thing is to hold on to inspirations and ideas and that requires practice and that is hard to do in solitude and that is why to have a companion that is constantly pushing you to think about a certain idea can help you a lot and transform that potential work into a kinetic manuscript.  

Rejection -

this is one of the things that not many people talk about is the fact that there is a great amount of risk involved in becoming a writer professionally. Writing is not something that you have to keep repeating with a certain degree of perfection, it is birthing new ideas, new concepts and new visualisations daily and compiling them into something that makes sense to your readers. Often, this compilation does not make sense to the publisher and you can never blame the publisher because it is their money, their skin and their reputation they are risking for your work. You can be practical about this but digesting the fact that the work of your dreams, your vision has been rejected can be too much for most people and that is where a friend and writing buddy comes in handy because they have probably experienced the same situation you are going through and they are probably the best people to give you advice on how to move on and not stagnate your creative life. 

These were a few reasons why a writing buddy is really important to any author and writer. However, if you are someone who is looking for a writer to write and compose the content of your website or advertising etc then we at GetBestWriters have every kind of ghost-writer that you can hire for all your ghost-writing needs and believe me, most of them usually have writing buddies that have helped them become professionals.